
Friday 29 July 2011

The Lost Prince on Kindle

News of Jamie's latest fictional masterwork tomorrow, but in the meantime Fabled Lands fans may want to pick up a copy of his fantasy novel on Kindle: US here and UK here and Europe here. (That isn't actually the cover image above, the resolution on the original art not being high enough for Kindle, but a nice design all the same combining Megara's inspired artistic élan and Jamie's... er, instinctive design sense.) The blurb will give you the general idea:

Gasping back tears of horror and anger, Varren shimmied his way down the well.

In the circle of light above his head three ugly, scarred, war-bitten faces appeared, staring down at him. One of them was readying his crossbow.

Varren released his grip and fell straight down into the water. A crossbow quarrel whooshed into the water next to him.

He hauled himself out, and into a side tunnel just above the water level. He’d used this way in and out of the castle for years. He hurried off down the tunnel, the sounds of battle fading away behind him...
It's written for kids age 7 years and up and, while it doesn't have the laugh-out-loud humor of the Dirk Lloyd books, it's still a ton of rip-roaring fun. And I'm not just saying that because Jamie has a broadsword at my throat.


  1. Wow, a story of Fabled lands written by one of the autors!
    What about persons with 4 x 7 years old? Will they enjoy this book?


  2. Ikaros, I think it's one of those books for readers "from 7 to 70". I enjoyed it, anyway, and I'm more than 7-squared years old!

  3. Incidentally, I just noticed that the book's page on Lulu has a free download . . .

  4. Thanks for pointing it out, Hamza!

  5. I hope my pointing out the free download won't affect the book's sales in any way.

  6. So many books about Fabled Lands but still no actual Fabled Lands! I have every intention to continue to support the franchise however I just have to ask is there still any hope of seeing the fabled books 7-12 we all want so badly to see? Can you give us any sort of update on the status Dave? The fact that books 5 and 6 never even got to see their 2011 release (there is still a bit of time left tho) is disheartening, looking at my reprinted versions of 1-4 and seeing the list of 12 books with 5 and 6 saying due in 2011 brings about the same sadness originally felt when looking at the incomplete 7-12 books. Any I don't mean to sound negative I've enjoyed the RPG and am really looking forward to the supplements in Sept. and Dec. so keep it all coming I'll take anything I can get, not to mention the iPhone apps are fantastic despite any original feelings I had about the change in art style. However, that said, please don't forget what started it all and it's tragically incomplete status we all are waiting eagerly to see in its entirety some day.

  7. Hamza, never fear, I fixed it. I don't think free copies do much harm to a book in the early stages; it all helps to spread the word. Having said that, it's only around $1.40 anyway, so it's virtually free.

    Tazar, we're still in the position of needing to see the gamebooks build a bigger following before it makes any sense to do more books. We have just agreed a deal to get the first 6 books out on Android and browser-based versions, which hopefully will reach a much broader readership than the reprints did.

    That's not to say we don't want to do print versions too, but I now think print gamebooks only work as "collector's editions" for the most dedicated readers. So the plan is: the iOS, Android and browser versions cast a wide net, and if enough of those people demand it then books 7-12 will be released in digital form too, and we'll aim to do print versions in the wake of those. That way, the apps pay for all the maps and artwork that a print edition needs.

    So the short answer is: we'd love to complete the series, and even take it beyond book 12, and in print as well as digital form if possible, but we can only do that by building a commercial case for Fabled Lands LLP to do it. We're working on it - with your help!

  8. Great news about the Android deal Dave. I don't yet have a smart phone, but when I do get one it will definately be an Android phone I buy rather than an iPhone... and as soon as I have the opportunity to buy the Fabled Lands series I will!

    Really hope the apps keep selling so that books 7-12 finally become a reality.

  9. The company we're talking to about Android and browser versions also has the option to do a Kindle version, if that's any interest to you, Colin. I'm not sure if the Kindle market for gamebooks is big enough to justify the coding effort, but I guess there's only one way to find out.

  10. Kindle version? Oh, please! by all means! I wasn't sure of iOS or Android, but Kindle format is really good. (If it comes with "active content", I'll definitly buy it)
    There are many gamebooks on kindle with active content, but Fable lands would make the difference.

  11. Hi Ikaros - there are lots? I recently bought my wife a Kindle, so I think I'll go and have a look for some of those...

  12. Yes! you should look at this company. They have some gamebooks on amazon and many more on their way:

    A classic example:
    It would be fantastic if you sell FL on kindle!


  13. For some reason, most of these e-gamebooks aren't available from Amazon UK even though Worldweaver are a British company. But we're including Kindle rights on the new deal with Pocket Games, so I'm pretty sure you'll be seeing those versions before long. More news as I get it, of course...

  14. Dave I think this news deserves its own post - I am very interested in the browser edition. Is the Ios version different in Megara's work in any way?

    Of course you probably have most of the work done with the brilliant FLAPP programme

  15. Apologies for the off topic comment, but talking of "Lost Princes", I wonder if there might be an official ruling on what we do in Fabled Lands when we forced into a paragraph in a book that isn't released? (particularly the "dragged to hell" result in book 3).
    It would be great to have a few paragraphs setting out challenges to escape these fates and flee back into the published books!

  16. Campbell, there'll be a full post with all the details as soon as they are firmed up. Currently we're waiting for Tim Gummer, Fabled Lands LLP's business guy, to get back from holiday and finalize everything. AFAIK the plan is for the browser version to sit within Facebook, but I also think, "Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance." :-)

    If you're forced into a paragraph that requires another book, I'd either set that character aside for now and play on with a new one - or else see my notes in the Blood Sword books about cheating.

  17. I love my Kindle, and I'd like more interactive content.
    I am also loathe to reinvest in the FL books 1-4 again until 5-6 are complete, but I'd happily start again if the Kindle books were reasonably priced ($5, £3)

    Now, what is the subscription blog on Kindle about? Is it this blog in Kindle format but paid for?
