
Wednesday 4 April 2012

For what we are about to receive...

In case you haven't heard, the gamebook extravaganza of the year is happening over on Stuart Lloyd's blog. All this month, he's celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first Fighting Fantasy book that started the ball rolling with a series of posts and interviews including Lone Wolf, Choice of Games, Tunnels & Trolls, Destiny Quest... and too many others to mention. Your best bet is to start here and pop back every day for at least one new post (usually more) packed with information and insights about the gamebook medium.

There's actually going to be a short interview with me in there at some point. I ought to confess that, when I answered Stuart's questions, I thought everyone's replies were going to go into one single post. In fact there are more than thirty posts in the series - a lot more - so I probably could have gone into a bit more detail. And normally it's so hard to shut me up, too. (I know, I know: the "A to Z of blogging" theme really should have tipped me off, but I don't live in this world, I'm only visiting...)

Now, can anyone say where the picture comes from?


  1. Heading over to Stuart's page right now.

    I know where the picture comes from. I also know what happens if you fail your Thievery roll as you're trying to creep past those guys...

  2. It's become my first internet call of the day too, PW. I grab my cup of tea and my iPad and see what Stuart's posting about - the A-Z today is D for discussion boards.

  3. Many thanks for the plug, Dave. I hope you enjoy the rest of the posts. I don't know what you're going to do on H day since you know what the post will be about.

    I also know the scene - they are some tough knights. Unless you know from the priestess.

  4. Actually, Stuart, I don't think I saw Jamie's answers to all the questions, so I will at least have half a post to read with my morning cuppa that day :-)
