
Sunday 22 April 2012

Sense and Worth, o'er a' the earth

If you live in Scotland, tune into BBC Radio at 13:15 on Monday for The Book Café, where I'll be discussing my forthcoming Frankenstein interactive novel with Dale Townshend of Stirling University. Listeners in the rest of the United Kingdom can hear it later in the week on BBC iPlayer.

There's also a review of Frankenstein in Monday's edition of The Independent, a British newspaper. And, in case non-UK readers are feeling left out, Frankenstein is one of the books being discussed by Luke Navarro and Kevin McGill on this Tuesday's Guys Can Read podcast.

Frankenstein will be published for iPad and iPhone on Thursday, April 26, by Profile Books. It's alive!


  1. The BBC iPlayer is a little twitchy about playing TV shows outside the United Kingdom, but radio shows have far fewer problems. Less stringent broadcasting restrictions, I guess.

    I've just tested out a couple of previous episodes of The Book Café on the BBC iPlayer; from here in France, they work just fine.

  2. Cool. Let me know if you can get this link to work:
