
Friday 20 July 2012

Mirabilis Year of Wonders book 2

Gearing up for the (hopefully) imminent release of Volume 2 of Mirabilis, my ongoing comic book fantasy epic, here is an online preview of the first ten pages. New to the party? In that case, you can see how the story starts with the first 30 pages of Volume 1 online here.

If it's your cuppa, you can still order the gorgeous hardcover edition of Book 1 here and you can pre-order Book 2 here. And the paperback edition is available here.


  1. When is it being released? I have been waiting forever! They keep moving the release date. I also eagerly await spring.

  2. I honestly don't know. I was told the copies are in Germany, but I have yet to see hide nor hair of them and I actually am starting to suspect they were never printed. It's really annoying as Leo and I withdrew sales of the trade paperback edition in the UK to make way for the hardback. Regretfully, I have to advise you to buy the tpb from as I no longer believe the hardback will ever show up. Sorry :-(

  3. I actually had them both in paperback but I gave them away to buy the hardbacks. I think i'll live in hope and maybe i'll be lucky and the second hardback will appear.

    1. I'm gutted because I've been saying the second book is going to show up for months now. The editor, John Freeman, has been expecting those copies too, but I think they have either been lost in transit from Bosnia or were never shipped in the first place.

  4. I believe it's the same publisher that does Strip magazine and they have had terrible trouble releasing that on time. They are over a month overdue currently on issue five and it's a monthly magazine so that isn't good.

    They say they will release strip magazine in newsagents in september which would require them to guarrantee delivery dates i'm guessing so maybe they will have their distribution sorted out by then and mirabilis will get through.

    I have the first hardback and it is very nice indeed so I hope it does.

    1. For a long time I did just think it was a distribution problem. I know Strip has been dogged by that. But in the case of Mirabilis book 2, I don't now know whether it was even printed. The editor hasn't seen copies either... *sigh*

  5. Can you get another company to print them?

    1. That's up to the publisher, and since they own the printing company I suspect there is nothing we can do.

      Outside the UK, of course, the trade paperback editions are available. They don't look as nice as the hardback but at least they actually exist :-/

      And then there's the various digital formats, which we're planning to extend to include epub very soon.

  6. You can get them in digital? On android? I thought you could only get bits of them on digital format.

    1. They're on Comics+ and for Android and iOS. It's just the first 8 issues so far (ie the Winter season) but we're working on that.
