
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Jamie's 2014 treasures

The traditional New Year's freebie coming up tomorrow, but to fill the gap here's a promo picture by Sébastien Brunet from one of Megara's Way of the Tiger hardbacks that Kickstarter backers will be receiving next year.

The first two paperbacks in the Way of the Tiger series should be coming out from Fabled Lands Publishing by February. These will feature Megara's art but - be warned - only in black and white. If you want a full-color set of books, hurry up and order from Megara as they still have some left, but only a strictly limited edition.

Way of the Tiger is also coming out as a series of apps from digital gamebook supremos Tin Man Games. (The technology doesn't exist to do full justice to Blood Sword yet, but they're working on it.) Jamie has written loads of flavor text for every outcome in the fights, making these much more than straight ports of the book text.

Lastly, before you pack 2013 away for good, here's a shout-out on BBC Radio's Open Book program for Jamie's Dark Lord books. He comes in at 24:05 minutes but it's all good stuff.


  1. Really? I do not see any link on megara's web to order the set of wott. Im excited though that the paperbacks are coming out faster than i expected them to be

    1. You'll have to email Megara about that, Sid. Kickstarter backers will of course be served first, but Megara should be able after that to offer a very few spare sets for sale. But I'm not involved in that, and maybe the spare sets have alresdy been reserved.

    2. [Mikael from Megara here] the spare hardbacks will be available on our website as we receive them from the printer, book 0 in january, book 1 in february and so on, I'll update the website only each time I receive them at our warehouse from the printer.

  2. Hello, I'm Matt, this is my first time to comment here, I discovered this blog from the back in a Fabled Lands book ( My all time favorite gamebook series). Mikael, could I get a link to your site?

    1. There's a hyperlink to Megara's site right there in the post, Alex. Click and it will whisk you where you want to go. Modern technology, eh?

    2. I Didn't notice that. Thank you Mikael, for the link, and thank you, Dave, for showing me that so next time I'll just look there for links.

    3. I always try to remember to put links in. If you ever spot one that I missed, though, please say and I'll revise the post :-)

