
Monday 15 May 2017

What a great fantasy movie looks like

Last time I was over at Leo Hartas's he recommended some movies I needed to catch up on. One of them was Kubo and the Two Strings and - wow. Just wow. I don't want to say anything spoilery (even the trailer gives away a little surprise that's waiting in the end credits) so I'll just urge you in the strongest possible terms to watch this asap. It packs in ten times the wit, charm, imagination and originality of the typical blockbuster SF/fantasy movie. Oh, and Blood Sword fans will realize by the end why I especially cherish the story. A real delight.


  1. So I saw this and I thought it was really good. Is there anything else you would recommend?

    1. Movies? Kids' movies? Animated movies? Stuff in general? I need more!

  2. Hi Dave. Don't know whether you still track these older posts, but just to say I finally got around to watching this tonight. Best film I've seen in many moons. I've found some common film ground with my wife at last! Andy

    1. Sure I track 'em, Andy. And I'm glad you and your wife liked the movie!

  3. I have this on my list for the kids. I also recommend (more kid-oriented but still gorgeous)
