
Thursday 16 April 2020

Mi amore chicka ferdy

The hot news today (well, it's been a bit quiet) is that Britain's prime minister, Bojo the Clown, has been watching his favourite movie. Take a guess. Darkest Hour? Churchill? No, it's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It reminded me of a prophetic scene in Can You Brexit? where PM is relaxing with a spot of high fantasy escapism:

Johnson's choice of viewing comes as no surprise when you realize that his childhood ambition (ie just before he was made leader of the Nasti Party) was to be world king. And he made it, almost, because whenever he's on TV the name Cnut springs to mind. But let's not be too hard on him; there are far less qualified wannabe world kings out there.

There's little point in trying to flog Can You Brexit? now, I guess. People think that the pandemic has made the whole question of Brexit irrelevant. So I'll just say that Spanish Flu didn't negate the consequences of World War 1, and point out that if you want to give a non-fantasy, halfling-free gamebook a go, it's still on sale and you can also play it for free here using the character sheet here. Bonus points if you can salvage Britain's national health service from the current crisis. Come to that, bonus points if you can salvage Britain.

Anyway, enough of Lord of the Rings and of UK politics. Be here on Friday when we're off on a one-shot roleplaying adventure set in a whole other fantasy land. You won't want to miss "The Only Way Is Narnia".


  1. I work for the NHS , Dave, so have to be apolitical publicly (which I actually am privately) and be mindful of what I say. However, I'll stick my neck out and say the government won't be one of those getting an A+ off Bill Gates. To see HS2 is restarting, when I can't drive to hospital without driving over six potholes (admittedly without the long delays at the moment), takes the biscuit.

    For my own part, rather than a handclap tonight, I'd be more appreciative if I got home without finding the washing stinks because a neighbour has lit another bonfire, then having to pick up dog mess off the front lawn again. I'm not a violent person, but my colleagues in A&E will be treating a new recipient if I ever catch the owner!

    As for the book. A good book is still a good book even if the subject matter is on the back burner of ultimately becomes a thing of the past.

    1. I’m all for supporting the NHS, Andy, but when it comes to the Thursday handclap I’d rather have a whip-round than be part of a public display of support which inevitably has a whiff of virtue-signalling. Come to that, I'd rather have higher taxes so that the NHS could be properly funded and health workers paid and equipped properly.

      Maybe this emergency will remind people why the NHS is such an amazing thing to have instead of taking it for granted and letting politicians subject it to a death of a thousand cuts. More likely, I'm afraid, we'll end up in the dystopian healthcare future envisaged in Can You Brexit?

      Anyway, stay safe. NHS workers are very literally on the front line right now.

    2. Would agree with all that, Dave. I'm not even sure taxes would need to be raised that much providing there was some logical decisions made and removal of waste. I could probably write a book on it, though I suspect it would make Can You Brexit? look like a bestseller, comparatively. I must read it again after I've finished with John's stuff.

      On a different note, I've just finished watching boxsets of The Haunting of Hill House and Castle Rock. The former is quite well done, don't bother with the latter.

      Must dash, don't want to miss the adulation.

    3. Just been told off by my wife for playing on-line poker rather than going outside. That's gratitude for you!

    4. Just as a prophet is not without honour except in his own land, a husband is not without respect except in his own household.

    5. Btw Andy, this might be of interest to some of your NHS colleagues?

    6. At least I won't be getting any sarcastic Man Flu comments in future.

      Thanks, Dave. I'm pretty sure we're sorted for accommodation, but I'll beg the question.

      Stay safe yourself.
