
Wednesday 15 March 2023

Very nearly an armful

Not many people these days remember Tony Hancock. That's the only explanation for why there hasn't been more backing for this (bio)graphic novel by the stellar-talented team of Stephen Walsh and Keith Page. But there's still one day to go, so if you have heard of Hancock, or even if you haven't, get your credit card out and support The Lad Himself on Kickstarter.

[Added 17 March] Oh but wait... The Kickstarter failed to reach its target, but all is not lost. B7 Comics have announced that they're going ahead with publication anyway and you can pre-order copies here. Even Hancock might muster a cheer at that.


  1. Wow! That looks amazing! I love Tony Hancock - I grew up in the 80s listening to my dad's recordings of Hancock's Half Hour. Sadly, I just don't have the money to back this at the moment. :o(

    I see the funding has failed - I hope it can find some other way to come to fruition, but I suspect the current squeeze on money is making things like this more difficult for people to justify. I know you could give a good will backing for £5, but even then - it's hard to justify a purely philanthropic donation at the moment. There are lots of things I'd love to support, but can't at the moment.

    1. Even I'm a little too young to have caught Hancock the first time round, but I grew to appreciate his humour from recordings and later from TV repeats.

      It's a pity the funding failed, but the price for a print copy was pretty steep -- and that's before postage, I think. Hopefully Mr Walsh & Mr Page can find a way to get it finished and published. They're in the same boat that Leo Hartas and I were with Mirabilis, but a black & white book like that should be a lot easier to get done.
