
Friday 4 August 2023

Science fantasy gets a makeover

It was Empire of the Petal Throne, not D&D, that hooked me on roleplaying, and the reason for that is I was into sword-&-sorcery and science fantasy rather than the Tolkienesque strain of epic fantasy that caught on through the late 20th century. You know how a duckling follows the first thing it sees when it hatches? Ten-year-old me discovered fantasy through Mike Moorcock’s Mars books and A Planet Called Krishna by L Sprague de Camp. There was no looking back – or forward – from that point on.

Genre is slippery, so bear with me, but technically those books belong to what is now defined as sword-&-planet or planetary romance:

‘Planetary romance is a sub-genre of science fiction that has a close relationship with fantasy in the sense that the cultures that are described are very frequently pre-industrial. The pseudo-medieval warfare with bows and arrows and swords is frequently reminiscent of medievalist fantasy, but this is also a space in which some writers explored American notions of the primitive, mapping the mythology of the American West on to the plains of another planet.’

- Farah Mendlesohn & Edward James, A Short History of Fantasy

Usually spacefaring humans arrive – or better still, get stranded – on a planet at an ancient or medieval level of technology. Sometimes, as in Vance’s Planet of Adventure series, the indigenous civilization has technology of its own. Then it can shade off into Flash Gordon territory, if the natives fully understand their advanced devices, or Tekumel, where the remnants of ancient technology are rare and thought of as magic.

Outliers here (I can’t resist a digression) include Arthur Landis’s Camelot novels, which I basically agented to Don Wollheim back in the early ‘70s. That has some tropes you’ll see recurring: human operative dropped into a more primitive world with just a few bits of kit to give him some magic powers. Swords, princesses, mystic powers, and high adventure – the familiar ingredients of Star Wars, but drip-fed rather than delivered by fire hose.

I call it science fantasy because I don’t seem any intrinsic difference between those planetary stories and, say, Lin Carter’s Thongor books, which are set on a lost continent in Earth’s distant past but still have all the familiar elements. Likewise our own Abraxas setting.

As science fantasy stories are set in ‘exotic’ civilizations, there’s usually a lot of world-building. That could explain why science fantasy has been largely superseded by the Tolkien/Game of Thrones/Witcher variety, in which the settings are more-or-less identikit medieval Europe. We in the West seem to be less enamoured of other cultures than we used to be. In the last century, exotic customs were occasion for surprise and delight. We found them intriguing, and the more troubling elements like suttee looked like they’d been safely banished by modern secularism. Nowadays the news tends to focus on the less quaint features of other cultures: morality patrols, girls being denied education, ancient artworks being blown up, the demonization of gays and albinos, gang-rape of low-caste women, 'honor' killings, and mobs murdering people of other religions. Is it a coincidence that many Westerners have retreated into a genre of fantasy that depicts a cosy cosplay version of their own past? A kind of fantasy where bad things are only done by bad people, so as not to have to face the different and disturbing ways that a whole society can behave? Of course, actual medieval Europe wasn’t a bit like that, but the difference is it is comfortably dead and gone so fiction can feed us the denatured version.

I’m only speculating as to the causes, but certainly there’s little interest these days in all the cultural minutiae we were presented with in games like Empire of the Petal Throne. In most Tekumel games these days, the participants no longer bother to try roleplaying Tsolyani. What grabs them is all the science fantasy stuff. They want to stand apart, to be the clued-up modern folk luxuriating in a sense of superiority over all those 'primitive' NPCs.

If you've hung around here long enough you'll know that the rich diversity of human culture is precisely what I personally find enthralling; and when it comes to fiction, the more different from modern Western democracy the better. But I've also noticed that the books, movies and games I like are not usually the million-sellers. In this post I'm trying to figure out the kind of makeover science fantasy needs to avoid bombing like John Carter. What does it take to turn it into the opposite of the kind of niche culture-gaming that can barely muster a cult following? It seems that if Tekumel were ever to break out of its ever-shrinking ghetto, those Star Wars style mass-market fantasy tropes mentioned above are the strengths it should play to.

What would that look like? Imagine Star Wars several centuries on. A single planet isolated from the rest of the empire or republic or whatever. Science is largely forgotten, apart from a few Christopher Johnson types who everybody else thinks of as wizards. If you find a light sabre it’s like picking up a magic sword. Droids are tantamount to elves, immortal and nonhuman. The Force is – oh well, that’s always been about black and white magic.

So this reboot of Tekumel would take its cue from Star Wars, blurring all the ethnographic particulars and instead foregrounding the elements that are easy for modern audiences to grok:

  • Alien powers that have set themselves up as gods
  • Remnants of near-magical super-science
  • Shapechangers meddling in human affairs
  • Secrets of the ancients known only to a few
  • Robotic guardians that are dangerous but can be reprogrammed to become servants (Terminator, golems, etc)
  • Swordplay and derring-do
  • A world in which a few people can make all the difference

Culturally it would retain only the specific Tekumel USPs that might resonate with modern audiences:

  • Non-white societies
  • Women, gays & trans characters are fully accepted and equal
  • Stereotypical nonhumans are there for flavour (the Stepin Fetchits of modern fantasy)

The weird linguistics would need to be downplayed. I've spent four decades listening to D&D players sneering at Tekumel's "unpronounceable names". Gamers can't be bothered to figure out consonants like tl and ts, never mind ng and nd. In any case, most Tekumel players already don't say the name of the planet correctly. It should be TAY-koo-male; they tend to pronounce it TECH-you-mell.

A reboot like this wouldn’t  involve entirely abandoning the more obscure bits of Tekumel culture. They just wouldn't get mentioned. It can be useful for any fantasy setting to have those ‘iceberg details’ supporting it, as long as they don’t get in the way of the 95% of players who want to ignore them. Given easy docking points for new players and a familiar rules system, maybe it could avoid the demise that Steve Foster predicted and prescribed for thirty years ago.

Why I think Tekumel would be worth such a reboot is because it has dwindled to barely a cult interest, and yet it does have those USPs and it’s a truly American sui generis of fantasy, something original in a field where almost everything else is a mutant strain of Lord of the Rings. Also, it has a champion in Steve Jackson, who once offered to publish a set of three GURPS Tekumel books. M A R Barker, who I think everyone agrees had extremely poor judgement, turned that down for a publishing deal with Lou Zocchi to release an RPG that nobody even remembers anymore. Tekumel has become in effect the obscure but authentic R&B that achieved breakthrough success only when diluted and dumbed down to become white rock & roll (think Numenera in this analogy). Maybe there’s a way to give it one last shot, even if that means chucking out most of what diehards like me cherish about it.


  1. Mr. Barker's poor judgment may doom any kind of Tekumel revival. On the other hand gamers have been relatively quick to rehabilitate HPL. I'm not really familiar enough with Tekumel's lore to know if any of the racism/fascism from Barker's other writings and activities need to be exorcised from Tekumel. I'm guessing not, since it all came as such a surprise. And if not, it shouldn't be too hard of a sell. But it probably needs to be addressed.

    1. Actually I think you're right, Mike. I've previously explained on the blog why I think Barker was probably not a racist but simply an idiot (for getting a neo-Nazi group to publish his alternate history novel) but the very fact there's a grey area there means he can never be rehabilitated. At least we know that HPL was starting to shed his prejudices before he died, whereas we can never know for certain now what Barker actually believed. It shouldn't matter as far as Tekumel is concerned, as there is nothing racist about the setting itself, but it's put the whole of Barker's work into bad odour. And given that Tekumel could only achieve greater success by watering down everything that makes it unique, it's not really worth making the effort. In a parallel world Barker might hve taken Steve Jackson's offer, concentrated on Tekumel, and left the damned "Fourth Reich" novel to gather dust in a drawer -- which would have been a far better outcome all round.

  2. I've long wanted to play in Tekumel (which I've been pronouncing Tech-oo-mell, so thanks for the correction!), and I'm hoping I can persuade my gaming group to give it a try (we're currently in our "year of one shots", so I'm hoping I can slot Empire of the Petal Throne in there!). But it does feel a bit intimidating when there is so much culture to get your head around - and that "alien" (for want of a better term) culture is the selling point!

    Numenera is an interesting example, but it is (deliberately) incoherent - the whole idea of the Ninth World is that it's a hodge podge of bits built on the various leftovers of what came before, whereas Tekumel feels cut from whole cloth.

    The question for me is: "How do I make sure the players get to encounter the most interesting bits, without resorting to a boring lore dump"? The iceberg analogy is a nice one - I guess you pick a few headline topics to engage the players with, and let them find out more as they dig deeper?

    The players necessarily need to be outsiders (which I assume was what Empire of the Petal Throne intended, with the suggestion that everyone turns up in a small boat?), to explain their lack of familiarity with the customs of the area.

    We will see. The whole business with the Neo-Nazi novel definitely leaves a sour taste in the mouth, and it does make taking an interest in Tekumel more awkward. It helps that Professor Barker is dead, and so my main question is around the Tekumel Foundation's situation.

    Anyway, I don't see anything explicitly fascist or neo-Nazi in the setting. I can understand how people who are sensitive about empires and slavery might feel uncomfortable with the setting - the Tsolyani is explicitly xenophobic towards outsiders like the PCs. But that felt to me more like a critique of xenophobia rather than an endorsement of it. I don't think it would be any different to playing a game set in Imperial Rome (or Athas, for that matter). As outsiders, you're not obliged to be happy with it. Still, I can understand why some people say "I get enough of that in my daily life, so I'd rather not have it in my gaming, thanks". And fair play to them.

    1. It's true that Tsolyanu and the other empires have customs that it's easy for outsiders to fall foul of, hence the major cities have Foreigners' Quarters where unaccompanied outsiders can go about without fear of committing some fatal faux pas. But the xenophobia isn't as deep as in real-world ancient cultures -- this is a world where even nonhuman species are accepted as citizens, remember.

      It's worth reading the intro to Empire of the Petal Throne first (though I wouldn't use those rules) because Barker shows how outsiders can rise to become citizens. Many of the companions of the imperial princes in his campaign were those new men (and women) from other lands.

      The Eye of All-Seeing Wonder on has plenty of suggestions for start-up campaigns (of course, I would say that) and the main thing to remember, as Barker always said, is that it's your Tekumel. You can make it what you want. My Tekumel is an entirely different place from the Tekumels run by other GMs, and vive la difference.

  3. Hi there, I am a huge fan of your gamebooks. I was an avid reader in my late childhood-early teens and still enjoy them. Sorry about the OT, but meant to ask about the final book of the Vulcanverse saga. I am currently playing the hammer of the sun and I am loving it, there is a sense of melancholia and loss that reminds me of Heart of ice.

    1. Thanks. The best thing about writing my books has been to hear from and meet with people who have cherished them as you have.

      I'm writing the endgame sequence of the final Vulcanverse book right now. It's taking longer than I expected because of having to draw in all the plot threads across the series, but the end is in sight now. I'm hoping to have it ready in time for a pre-Christmas release date.

    2. I am also a huge fan of your gamebooks. I started playing them over thirty years ago as a child and up to my teenage years. It is only recently that I rediscovered Dragon Warriors and that I realize how much I like the setting.

      When I was a kid, the adventures I created were just about going in dungeons and facing the players with challenge and traps. I did not pay much attention to the setting. For me, it was just a world like Tolkien's world.

      The world feels more realistic and medieval than the popular games. I feel that most other games are a form of cosplaying, where the social norms are similar to ours, while Dragon Warriors is the real deal. If one wants to go in a medieval world where magic is real, Legend is the place to go.

    3. Thanks. That's what Oliver and I were aiming for with DW, certainly, and when I finally get the Jewelspider RPG finished (soon, hopefully) it should deliver that authentic Legend feel even more strongly.

    4. This reminds me, there is an excellent book by David Friedman on legal systems that are different from ours, which is called: "Legal Systems Very Different from Ours". It covers the Icelandic weregild system (which I was first introduced to in Legend!), pirate laws, religious laws, Imperial China law and many others. The common theme is that legal systems try to solve problems and that they are not arbitrary. When I learned about the weregild system in Legend (I think they have it in Glisson, in the north of Ellesland, if I recall correctly), it felt silly and RPGish. How wrong I was!

      I think a good fantasy setting cannot have either arbitrary social and legal systems or systems similar to ours, it needs to be built on an understanding of why things are different. The more one develop an understanding of that, the more "cosplaying" feels silly.

    5. Oh, now that looks interesting. Just looking at the introduction convinced me to order a copy. I'm pretty sure some of it will find its way into the videogame setting I'm now consulting on.
