
Friday 11 August 2023

Trembling shadows

If historical authenticity matters in your games, here's the best you're going to get in the way of lanterns in the Middle Ages. And bear in mind it'll probably contain a spitting, smoky, unreliable tallow candle, not wax because those are reserved for church services. 

Or you could carry an oil lantern. That's not one of the storm-lamps you see in medieval movies. It's a dish of oil with a wick in it and, if you're lucky, a cover of horn or glass to stop it blowing out. (Argand lamps came much later.)

From the Jewelspider rules: 

"Night’s black agents thrive in a world lit only by fire. Even in a wealthy baron’s castle, those ubiquitous flaring torches are a myth; after dark the passages and side chambers are unlit. If you need to leave the main hall, you carry your own sputtering lantern (containing a tallow candle or a wick in a dish of oil) or get a servant to accompany you with a torch or candelabrum. Thick trembling shadows fill the further reaches of the hallways, giving many places for a stealthy interloper to hide."


  1. Lovely evocative writing, Dave - there could be a whole adventure just in that journey from the fire- lit great hall to the moon- lit bed chamber I think; along the way, your only friend the flickering flame which, even as it grants you sight, makes visible your fears in the twisting silhouettes it shadow-shapes!

    1. My feelings exactly, John, and I'm currently reading a book (A King Alone, by Jean Giono) which has a similar vaporous, chiaroscuro flavour; I think you'd enjoy it.

    2. Thanks Dave, I will check that out - reading by candle-light, of course!

  2. I think the signs of a great setting is love in the little details. ;-)
