
Friday 26 July 2024

The Sage and the Enchanter: Dragon Warriors rules for Blood Sword characters

Next year is the 40th anniversary of Dragon Warriors, and two years after that the 40th anniversary of the first Blood Sword book. I don't know if that accounts for the upsurge in interest in how to combine the two, which began when Tambù used the Blood Sword gamebooks as the basis for a 5e campaign. Some players grumbled that the 5e ethic wasn't a good fit for Legend, but I have always thought that the Legend of the Blood Sword books is tonally different from Dragon Warriors. One is epic fantasy, the other regular low(ish) fantasy -- and the Legend of the Jewelspider RPG will be low fantasy nudging towards realism. And in any case, there's no reason why Blood Sword 5e should be the same style as Dragon Warriors, any more than the TV version of Fargo has to exactly follow the plot of the Coen Brothers' movie.

(I realize at this point that somebody will ask me when Blood Sword 5e will be published in English. Sorry, I don't know. I'm told it's on the way, and the Italian edition is a luxurious masterpiece worthy of Gucci so I'm hoping to hold the English version eventually.)

All this preamble is to say that today we have a special contribution by regular correspondent Stanley Barnes, who has converted the Sage and Enchanter from Blood Sword into DW character professions. Thus, with thanks to Stanley and without further ado, here are those conversions. If you do have a go at putting these characters into your Legend game, come back and tell us about it.


  1. Those look pretty cool. Will there be further conversions to the Blood Sword encounters to allow people to "play the books" by the DW rules?

    Meanwhile on another topic, Sir Anthony Hopkins will likely block me for Tweeting this to him:

    Americans need to know. Are you prank-calling Donald Trump and portraying Hannibal Lector over the phone? Is that where all this weirdness in his speeches is coming from?

    1. I'm getting flashbacks to those comics that put Trump's rants into the mouth of the Red Skull. (I think eventually they had to cease & desist after the Red Skull sued for defamation of character.)

      Between this post and Oliver Whawell's rules (see recent posts) DW players should have pretty much all they need to run Blood Sword as a campaign. I'll add the usual caveat: Blood Sword is the JJ Abrams movie version of Legend, if not the Saturday morning cartoon.

  2. Dear Mr Morris, thank you so very much for sharing my contribution with your fans. It is greatly appreciated. Updated versions of these two professions will be available in future editions of Casket of Fays. In this regard, I have Lee Barklam to thank for his invaluable suggestions and support. Thank you, Lee.

    1. You're in safe hands with Lee, Stan. (Er... I just realized that's almost a pun in reverse!)

      Let me know when the Casket of Fays version comes out and I'll mention it again here.

    2. Casket 14 for the Sage, Dave and Stanley. Tail end of next month or early September.

    3. And lots of other goodies in that issue as well, no doubt. Looking forward to it, Simon.

  3. As well as Stanley! :) I will do so, Mr Morris.
