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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

The votes are in

It looks to me as if Biggles and the Martian Manhunter are thinking about ordering the lobster, but no doubt Falcon fans will explain what's really going on in this picture.

Anyway, we ran a poll to decide how the series should end, and although the response was about on a par with support for a sequel to John Carter, the results are decisive:

57% want to see multiple endings for the final book, and 42% asked for a more upbeat ending. Presumably the other 1% are content to be reduced to the ranks because field agents have more fun.

I think it will be a while before we get around to the Falcon books. There are Blood Sword, Way of the Tiger and a few others to come first, but Jamie and I will take it on board. One nice thing about fully interactive ebooks is that it's very easy to add new sections - I've been putting lots of extra bits into the Virtual Reality series.

Talking of which, here's the mock-up cover for Heart of Ice. I now have this running in iBooks and all it's crying out for is colour art and maps. Those who clamour for print should not panic, however - that version is typeset too, though it won't have the new material that's in the ebook.


  1. Dave, do you think there's actually a chance to see some kind of ebook+print book bundles? I, for one, am fully interested in both versions.

    1. I would like to think so, Efrem, but it will be up to the publishers (Osprey Books). All the publishers I have suggested this to in the past have scoffed at the idea, saying, "Why should we give away something for nothing?" I hope Osprey will be smarter than that.

  2. The lobster is burbling away those immortal words:

    "You're fired!"

  3. Even though it is of course author's privilege to write whatever and however they please, maybe the poll results will give Jamie (and/or Mark) pause to think 'ah the heck with it, let's just change the damn ending'. Even if only to shut up moaners like me. :) Eagerly awaiting the eBooks too; credit card is on standby.

  4. I half-expect this Falcon scene to run something like this:

    Lobster-thing Kirik is very unhappy with your recent time agent key performance indicators. Before you can justify your miserable failure, he burbles; "You're fired!".

    1. Okay, and I now think that isn't J'onn J'onzz but Kallark of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. But Biggles..?
