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Friday 22 December 2023

Bring me pine logs hither

If you're going to have a seasonal roleplaying game there's not a lot of time left. No time to plan? For that last-minute gaming session, what could be more useful than this list of Legend adventures compiled by Lee Barklam on the Cobwebbed Forest website?

If gaming is off the table, you can read write-ups of our roleplaying campaigns in two books available exclusively to Patreon backers until Twelfth Night. I talked about these books in a post a while back, and here's your chance to get hold of them. I realize it might seem a little mercenary to mention Patreon in the season of giving, but you only need to subscribe for one month and you'll not only get the two RPG write-up books but the noughth draft of the Jewelspider rules as well as my Knightmare novels and a bunch of articles and adventure scenarios set in the world of Legend.

And to go with all that, Grim Jim Desborough has the Dragon Warriors stats for a number of weird and wonderful Yule monsters on the Postmortem Games site. (While you're there, why not buy a copy of Wightchester -- the very thing M R James would have been playing on Christmas Eve if he'd known about RPGs.)

Talking of Christmas Eve, I'll see you then...


  1. Well that link was an eye opener! (embarassed cough)

  2. Anyway, been reading Still Alive. Great post, no sark this time.

    1. It only took me four years... And people say Fabled Lands will never be finished!

  3. Hi Dave -- Hoping that Workshop of the Gods is coming out in 2024? Please tell me that all my maps and notes are not for naught! :)

    1. It most certainly is, Kevin. I'm on the final stretch now, as far as the writing goes, then I just have to check it all and edit it and we're good to go. It's taken longer than I expected because of having to tie in all the events from the other books, which has ended up in a book around 1500 sections long and 220,000 words -- almost half of which are the endgame sequences. Hopefully you'll feel it has been worth the wait.

  4. Fantastic. Very much looking forward to it. I remember you saying a long while back that the books didn't sell as well as the Vulcanverse people had hoped, but I consider them works of art -- made for the true gamebook connoisseur.

    1. Thanks. It's always nice when a book does sell well, but it's the succès d'estime that I value more. (And probably just as well...)

  5. Happy Yule to you too! And many thanks for mentioning all the stuff on Patreon. You've linked to the Knightmare books several times, but nowhere do I find part one. Is that one gone?
    Don't know if I manage to get my family to play any RPG this Christmas, but I might read Waiting for a Bus to them now that you wrote about it in your newest post.

    1. The first Knightmare novella was rewritten from a story by Tim Child, so it has less of a Legend flavour than the ones I wrote on my own. Still, it may turn up on a Patreon post before too long.

      When you're reading "Waiting for a Bus" be sure to use the M R James method. That is, turn out all the lights apart from one candle. I still remember with a delicious chill the way John read out the line, "Here's your bus."

      Happy Christmas!

  6. It might be the seasonal wine talking, Dave, but having just relooked at this post, there's something about it I can't quite put my finger on!

    1. Before long the AI will be writing the posts as well as illustrating them, Andy.
