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Wednesday 18 September 2024

Hammer and anvil

More from Fighting Fantasy Fest 5, and this time it's my chat with Gil Jugnot from Le Marteau et l'Enclume. Pay close attention and you'll get a scoop about the 40th anniversary of The Crypt of the Vampire -- but more of that anon.


  1. Thanks Dave and Gil to bring news of the new version of The Crypt of the Vampire, or should I say The Vampire's Lair. I think that you are doing the right thing as changing the tone of the book. To be frank, The Crypt of the Vampire is a nice refreshing gamebook, but I feel it doesn't really compare to the high standards you set later with Blood Sword, Heart of Ice, Fabled Lands,... There aren't much lighthearted, funny gamebooks out there, I'm sure it will be a nice addition to the genre.

    1. I hope so. I enjoyed revisiting the book and changing it from a dungeon to (metaphorically) a funfair ghost train ride. It should be out in time for Halloween.

  2. What a lovely interview... and you're right, tell Oliver to publish and let people enjoy his works.

    Revisiting Crypt but in a new way does sound fun. I enjoyed the J H Brennan "Horror Classics" as a kid, which are light-hearted but also a bit gruesome and deadly.

    Looking forward to getting back in to Vulcanverse when I get a chance. I need to find ANOTHER box of paints somewhere...

    1. You've hit the nail on the head there, James. The Vampire's Lair is very much in the same tone as Herbie Brennan's books. Maybe it's my Irish side coming out.

      I wish I could convince Oliver to self-publish The Knight of the Fields. It's easily the best fantasy novel I've read in the last ten years. I might be a little biased because Oliver also ran it as a brilliant roleplaying campaign.

      There's at least one place in Notus you can find those paints, and several boxes to be picked up in Hades IIRC. Good hunting!

    2. Excellent news! I stumbled on the Notus one and immediately rushed back to Hades... and died. Again. Luckily death is a slap on the wrist unlike Fabled Lands.

      Tell Oliver that if he self-publishes he's got at least one reader. I was a big fan of the Elven Crystals. Or tell him it's that OR he has to do TWO Gamebook Series, one with Jamie and one with Mark. Just out of tidiness.


    3. And the advantage of dying in Hades is that it's a lot easier to retrieve your belongings than it is in Notus, where you have to have found the vault between life and death.

      I'll keep up the pressure on Oliver, never fear. Have you read his Lightbringer novels btw?
