Anyway, here’s the final part of “Dealing With Demons”. Next time, as it's just about acceptable to mention Christmas now that we're into December, we'll have something to get you more in the holiday spirit.
The demon lords and princes are individual beings of
immense power who rule the demon planes. They have, of course, been summoned far
less frequently than the lesser demons, so no exact canon of knowledge is
available as with the latter. A summoner who does some research may find
suggestions and theories as to how to deal with the demon lords (“Rokash the
Pious records that the powers of the Lord Eldyr are diminished by bright
light...” and so on), but exact wards—if any—are a matter of conjecture.
Similarly there is some uncertainty as to the precise
levels of power of the demon lords. Tsienra’s stats are given here as a
guideline, but referees must design these creatures to suit their own
campaigns. They should be virtually impossible to overcome with raw power
alone, and if your campaign abounds with 150%-plus Rune Lord-Priests then the
abilities of Tsienra and the others should be increased accordingly. When the
demon lords have suffered defeats in the past it has been through the summoner’s
quick wit and daring rather than from spells and swords.
As a general rule all demon lords will have a personal
POW of between 80 and 100, and can draw on unlimited POW reserves from their
home dimension for casting battle magic. They are hostile about 20% of the time
and otherwise neutral. They will only be friendly if there is a very good
reason why they should react favourably to the summoner— Umalu prefers Chaotic
berserkers, and so on.
The Gifts
While not precluding the possibility of striking completely
unique bargains with a summoned demon lord, there are two types of deal which
are ‘commonly’ made. These are the Lesser
Gifts—minor exertions from the demon’s point of view, made in exchange for
characteristic POW from the summoner—and the Greater Gifts, which are permanent abilities bestowed on the
summoner in exchange for a soul-pledge.
A soul-pledge means the summoner gives the demon 1 POW
point to seal the bargain and promises him a further 3d10 POW later. These
further points are intended to be collected on the summoner’s death, but there
is a 2% chance the demon will arrive if it feels the summoner’s life-force is
burning low—in game terms, whenever the character’s hit points or POW reach 2
or less. Once the demon arrives nothing can stop it from devouring the POW
promised to it. These POW points are permanently lost to the character, at
which point the soul-pledge is ended and he loses the Greater Gift. If he
survives the POW loss he can later bargain again for a Greater Gift with the
same or a different demon lord. A character can buy any number of Lesser Gifts
from demon lords (if he can spare the POW), but it is only possible to have one
Greater Gift at a time. Note that to receive any gift at least 200 Wheels or
equivalent must also be offered.
The Demon
There are a number of other demon-lords that could not
be listed here—among them Pazuzu, Lord of Fevers, ruler of the lesser demons
commonly called by his name; Bakshuro the Screamer, who inhabits a dimension so
hostile that only he can live there; Valladolyn of the Emerald Eye, who sees
all; and Lady Kleshkala of the Pit, whose face is so terrible that merely to
summon her is to court insanity.
The three important parameters for each demon lord are
his or her Resistance to Summoning, Resistance to Binding, and Cross Pentacle
ability. The last is applied as a negative modifier to the summoner’s chance of
correctly drawing the Pentacle of Protection.
The Lord
Screaming Metal Spirit, Demon of Ferocity
Tsienra usually appears as a metallic figure,
something like a huge tiger armoured in intricately patterned plates of
tarnished silver and with a violet light burning behind his eyes and gaping
maw. He embodies the lightning attack, the unrelenting ferocity of battle, the
prowling spirit of savage death. Possession by the spirit of Tsienra gives
great speed and grace to the recipient’s fighting prowess.
Gift: Tsienra can give the power of ferocity. When a character with this power uses it, his STR and DEX
are effectively increased to species maximum for combat purposes, 35% is added
to his Attack chance and 10% is subtracted from his Parry. The character
expends 2 points of battle magic POW to go into ferocity and then another point for every full turn he keeps it
Gifts: For the sacrifice of 1 POW point, Tsienra will teach
his summoner the battle magic spell The Talons of Tsienra. For 2 POW points he
will use his skill at stalking between the planes to take the summoner within a
few miles of any location he specifies, now matter how great the distance. For 3
POW he will enchant any sword with a permanent bladesharp 2.
The Talons of Tsienra
used: 4 points
passive, unfocused, temporal
This battle magic spell
causes 30cm talons of red light to spring from the caster’s wrists. He can
fight with these using either Fist or Dagger skill. The talons do just 1d4
damage (no STR/SIZ bonuses apply), but the only effective defence against them
is the Rune spell shield, which
absorbs one point from the talons’ damage for each point of shield. The talons are immaterial, so
parrying a weapon with them will damage but not deflect it. The spell can only
be learned from Tsienra himself, and if the character tries to teach it to
someone else then Tsienra will materialize unbidden and kill him.
His Fell
Highness Eldyr
Prince of Deceit, Demon of Persuasion
Eldyr is overlord of Incubi, Succubi and Gremlins. He
can pass in any guise he chooses, the better to advance his wiles, but will
always eventually cast images aside to reveal his true (perhaps true) self. In the Chronicles
of the Conjunction, Eldyr’s own description of himself is recorded: “My
hair is like black silk, my skin is burnished copper in the moonlight, my eyes
are sapphires and my robe embraces the starry night…” This description was for
the benefit of the sorceress Cordelia, who had wisely blindfolded herself
before the summoning. Without defences such as this, all in time succumb to
Eldyr’s charms; the evocator must attempt to banish him at once, therefore, if
he begins to use his powers in a hostile fashion.
Gift: Eldyr can give the power of harmonic spirit. This is a combination of charm and blind luck. It
costs nothing to activate this power, but each morning the character must roll
POWx5 or less on percentile dice to see if the power works for that day. The chance
is increased by 15% if the power was working the previous day, and decreased by
5% if it was not. Any luck roll the character has to make has a 50% chance of
working automatically without him having to roll for it; on a roll of 05 or
less he may have quite incredible luck – a 20m fall broken by some bushes, for
instance. He gets a CHA bonus of +4 and can use his CHA as an Incubus or
Succubus does. Finally, he gets an Oratory bonus of +35%.
Gifts: For 1 POW point, Eldyr will aid a character in an
attempt to persuade others of something. He gives the character a 45% bonus to
his or her persuasion chances for one use only–and this must be some matter
where the character’s chance of persuasion was at least 10% in the first place.
The bonus is reduced to 10%-30% in attempts to bargain with demon lords because
Eldyr’s powers work only erratically against his peers. For 2 points of POW
Eldyr will give a luck ring. This silver ring has 100 charges and each charge
can be used to change the chance of something happening by 1%. The event to be
influenced must occur within 100m of the wearer and have at least a 10% chance
of happening in the first place. You can’t make a healthy warrior suddenly die
of a heart attack, for example. The wearer must declare how many charges he is
committing before the roll is made. When all charges are expended the ring
permanently tarnishes and is powerless thereafter.
The Lord
The Whip of Chaos, Demon of Pain
The spirit of Umalu is that of glorying in the
inflicting of pain. He is a fierce, powerful demon who hates Lawful creatures with
an intense passion and is little better disposed towards being of Chaos. Umalu
manifests himself as a 3m tall muscular black giant with a long mane of white
hair, face perpetually contorted in hatred. He wields a glittering whip which
can bestow Reverse Chaos features and an envenomed shortsword which inflicts
terrible wounds.
Gifts: Umalu can bestow chaos
on a character, giving him or her a Chaotic feature. He can also give the power
of excruciation, so that any wound
the character inflicts has a 20% chance of dealing an extra 1d8 damage to the
victim’s hit point total owing to extreme pain.
Gifts: In exchange for 1 point of POW he will teach a
character an extra 20% in the Torture skill. For 2 POW points he grants the
Rune spell curse of anguish (see below).
For 3 POW he will personally torture a captive to obtain information on the
summoner’s behalf.
Curse of Anguish
used: 2 points
Permanent, Non-reusable, Not stackable
The caster of the Rune
spell is able to inflict racking pain on a victim if he can overcome their POW.
He can alter the victim’s hit point total at will to represent the pain, and
can thus force the victim into unconsciousness, vary the pain so that they must
fight at a disadvantage, or merely threaten them with the effects. The curse of anguish cannot kill– its victim
will merely lapse into a coma if the pain level is increased too far. This spell
does not affect undead, elementals or other creatures which do not actually
experience pain.
Torture is a manipulation
skill with a base score of 15% and is learned at the rates 200/400/800/EXP.
Normally a character must join the Guild of Torturers to learn the skill. A
successful Torture roll means that the torturer has extracted all or part (40%+
1d6x10%) of the truth from his captive, failure means that he has got false
information. A fumble means that the captive has died. Torture can usually be
used only once a day on a given captive – each extra use in the same day
doubles the chance of a fumble. Captives can use their CON +POW as a ‘Defence’
against the Torture ‘Attack’ if they wish.
Demonic Majesty Adelmar
Summon the terrible Adelmar only when you plan such
grand designs of mayhem and destruction as would make lesser demons quail, for
he is a proud and potent force and should not be summoned lightly. Standing
about two and half metres tall, he is ebony-black with the lower body of a
serpent, a human torso, and an armoured, horned head like that of a
triceratops. He wields enchanted scimitars in each hand. One scimitar feeds on
the blood of victims, the other on their souls. Adelmar is said to dwell in a
labyrinthine castle on an island in an unknown lake. When Adelmar is summoned,
the evocator and his party (up to six others) are carried to this castle to
petition the demon.
Gifts: Adelmar has a limited power over time itself, and can
give the ability of temporal navigation.
This enables a character to cross up to ten years either into the past or
future, arriving within 1-12 weeks either side of the required date. Each use
of temporal navigation costs the
character 1d4 from characteristic POW.
Gifts: For 1 point of POW Adelmar will open the veils of time
to uncover some secret at the summoner's behest. For 3 POW he will send an army
of demonic warriors – equivalent to five thousand elite cavalry–to fight in one
battle beside the army of the summoner or his employer. Adelmar can also add to
a character’s lifespan— five years for 1 POW, ten years for 2 POW, and so on. A
character can only petition for this gift once. During the added years the
character does not age, but the deal must be phrased with exceptional caution
or Adelmar will surely twist things to the summoner’s detriment.
The Lord
Spirit of Thunder in the Mountains, Demon of
Akresh represents steadfast strength of purpose, the
glowering look that intimidates a foe, the essence of power that cannot be
assailed. Possession by the spirit of Akresh is called waiting-within-a-fortress; it hardens the will, shields the body
from harm and augments the recipient's physical might. Akresh himself can only
be evoked in mountains, where he usually appears as a shadow against the sky
and a booming echo between the peaks.
Gift: The power that Akresh can grant is indomitability. A character with this
power must roll POWx5 or less on d100 whenever he wants to use it; once
activated, the power costs 2 points of battle magic POW for each full turn the
character wishes to use it. While indomitable
the character remains fixed in position waiting for attacks. He can
automatically sweep aside all attacks made at 25% or lower, including missile
attacks; his STR increases to species maximum; he gets a +20% Parry bonus and
any parries he makes do an extra 1 d4 damage to the parried weapon. Finally, he
gets an extra point of armour protection.
Gifts: For 1 point of POW Akresh will teach two points of
the battle magic spell parry (usually
available only to Humakti). For 2 POW he can enchant any shield so that whoever
carries it has a permanent protection
1. For 3 POW he will summon mountain storms that can throw whole armies into
confusion, or block a pass with landslides.
Eldritch Highness Sarasathsa
Princess of Mystery, Demon of Paradox
Sarasathsa has sovereignty over things impenetrable or
unknowable. Possession with her spirit-essence renders the recipient immune to
spirit combat, as spirits will recoil from her terrible mysteries, but is double-edged
in that the recipient could become sunk into lethargy and pensive introspection
(roll POWx5 or less when coming out of possession to avoid this. Sarasathsa may
have many forms, but is often described as a very tall (2½m), slender, graceful
woman in blue and green robes. Her skin is pale and mottled in a serpentine
pattern, and the right side of her face is concealed behind a fantastical mask
in the form of an embryonic dragon. All summoners describe her as cold and
disdainful and rather draconic in temperament.
Greater Gift: Sarasathsa can grant morphetic counsel. Whenever the
character has some problem to solve or mystery to uncover she will whisper
clues to him in his dreams. This acts as though the character had 80% in the
General Knowledge skill, and also allows him important visionary dreams at the
referee's discretion.
Gifts: For 1 POW she will answer any three yes/no questions
about the past or present with 99% accuracy. For 2 POW she will convert any
powered crystal into another type which the summoner specifies (the crystal's POW
is diminished by 1 by this process. For 3 POW she grants a character a
permanent 5% bonus on POW gain rolls.
The Lord
Who is One with the Sword, Demon of Fighting Skill
Kojuro appears as a slender man with greyish skin and
sharp white shark's teeth. He wears white and grey cotton robes and carries a
number of swords and throwing knives. His province is skill in combat,
particularly swordplay.
Gift: Kojuro can immediately raise a character's skill with
swords to 80% or by 15%, whichever is greater.
Gifts: For 1 POW point Kojuro will increase a character's
score in any fighting skill by 5%, to a maximum of 75%. For 2 POW points he
will place a single-use truesword
spell on a blade; this spell can be activated at any later time by whoever
wields the sword. For 3 POW he will increase the skill of an entire army by 5%
for a single battle.
The Lord
Jewelled Serpent, Demon of Confusion and Terror
Kesh embodies the transfixing gaze of a snake. He
causes awe by his presence alone, a massive bejewelled, serpentine shape
coiling about the Pentacle and rearing up to the roof of the summoning
chamber–the summoner must roll POWx5 or less on d100 or lose all power to
bargain with the demon. Looking into Kesh's eyes causes demoralization.
Gift: Kesh grants the power of intimidation. Given two rounds in which to talk to foes before he
fights them, a character with this power can threaten with such unholy force
that those hearing him must roll POWx5 or less on percentile dice or be demoralized. In combat, the character's
gaze can transfix like a vampire's.
Gifts: For 1 POW point Kesh will reveal the location of an
ancient treasure hoard of at least 90 treasure factors. For 2 points he will
set a giant demonic serpent to guard your treasure for you. For 3 points he
will teach you how to brew any venom or acid up to potency 15.
The Lord
Gatherer of Darkness, Demon of the Undead
Engala is usually characterized as the zombie spirit,
embodiment of unrelenting attack, but in fact he is the lord of all undead
creatures. Engala appears as a dull-eyed, expressionless man with dead white
skin, robed in grave-soiled black raiment. His movements are slow and languid,
like a corpse underwater, and when he speaks his lips hardly move to his
hollow, emotionless tones. Those possessed by his spirit will fight until cut
Gift: Engala can make a character into a vampire or mummy.
The customary pledge of POW is useless to Engala because he is an undead being,
so instead of that pledge he imposes a peculiar condition on his Gift. Every
ten years the character must find a champion to play Engala's representative at
a game not unlike chess. If the champion loses, Engala drains him of POW and
destroys him. If the character cannot find a champion he must play Engala's
representative himself – in this case, if he loses, Engala will come and take
the character as one of his personal servants.
Gifts: In exchange for a powered crystal Engala will give a
lead amulet which grants the wearer some protection from undead – hostile
undead act neutrally and neutral undead will be friendly, as per the Runequest
response table. Occasionally he may give favoured summoners a zombie or
skeleton guard to serve them.
The Lord
Blizzard Flame, The White Lord, He Who Descends from
the Storm
Kyrax is one of the oldest demons. He has the form of
a giant white wolf, or sometimes a man of feral aspect. He is the master of
stealth and guile, can cause invisibility, blizzards and darkness and
particularly aids those who were once mighty, for he is the demon lord of
regathering old powers.
Gifts: Kyrax can grant a character 70% in all Stealth skills
or raise these by 20%. Or he may personally aid a character in a single master
Gifts: For 1 POW point he will increase a single Stealth or Tracking
skill by 10%. For 2 POW he will give a one-use Rune spell to summon thick mist
in a 160m radius; the caster can see up to 30m in this mist but for others the
visibility is under 10m. For 3 POW he will summon a blizzard or turn a
character invisible for eight hours.
Excellency Hragahl
Minister of
Lightning, Demon of Intellect
This bizarre and ancient demon lord is master of all
matters connected with logic and philosophy, and if he is impressed by a
summoner's ability in these areas he will have a friendly reaction to him.
Hragahl materializes as a giant (1 m) bald, fanged head with silvery-blue skin,
incandescent white eyes, and giant wings springing from his temples. He has a
tongue of flickering lightning which can snake out up to 20m.
Gift: Hragahl can transform a staff or weapon of the
summoner's so that it has powers of a Stormblade [WD39, Runeblades].
Gifts: For 1 POW point he will summon up a Storm Demon and
place it under the summoner's control for fifteen minutes. For 2 points of POW
he will give a 5% bonus in General Knowledge (to a maximum of 45%). For 3 POW
he can increase a being's INT by one point or summon storms to confound an
A word of warning: campaigns where demon lords get
summoned up every weekend and every other character has a Greater Gift are
going to get dull very quickly. Scenarios could involve a demon lord's
influence without requiring him to make a personal appearance – player
characters could battle a small cult worshipping one of these entities, or
inadvertently break a chain of events set in motion by a demon lord long ago.
Bear in mind that even the Lesser Gifts of a demon
lord are powerful and hard to come by. There is a high risk factor in any
summoning, and the demon lord must have a favourable reaction to the summoner
if any deal is to be struck. Few generals would care to swell their army's
ranks with demon warriors, even if they can seek out one of the demonologists
powerful enough to make such a bargain. Only three cases of military use of
demonic powers are recorded in Questworld's history – each time by the
extravagant, whimsical Ancients, for whom normal caution and logic seem
Lastly, words of thanks to everyone who might have
inspired or actively fed me with demonic ideas – in particular, Steve Ditko, P
Craig Russell, Richard Lupoff, Miyamoto Musashi, Yvonne Newnham, Mike Polling,
Jack Vance, Oliver Johnson and William Burroughs. Vance's short story “The Miracle Workers” directly supplied the idea of possessions, and gives a vivid
account of their effects. For a host of further demons, Professor M A R Barker's Book of Ebon Bindings is recommended. It
details, with many colourful anecdotes, creatures designed for Barker's world of Tekumel
but usable in any setting.
So, for the sake of transparency, I'll ask... are we going to get a reply to the updates from Mikael just made to the Fabled Lands 7 kickstarter page?
ReplyDeleteI assume there's two sides to the story, but some of it does seem legitimately worrisome -- like vastly overpaying for cover art that doesn't match in any way with the art of the other six Fabled Lands books.
I haven't read Mikael's comment, Joe, but everybody knew what Kev Jenkins was getting paid for the cover. It was specified by the art meter that Richard Hetley designed for the Kickstarter campaign so that backers could see all along how much of their money was going to the artists.
DeleteAs for it not matching the earlier books... Well, it's by Kev and he painted the first six covers, and he specifically chose a style for book 7 that would match with the rest of the series. As he's an internationally renowned artist, much in demand for movies like Star Wars and Thor, I'm going to go out on a limb and say his artistic judgement might trump anyone else's on this subject.
He really laid into you guys, I guess you won't be working with megara again. Hope this doesn't effect future books, I still hope for FL8 and beyond.
DeleteWe already intended that Kickstarter campaigns for any future FL books would be run by Fabled Lands Publishing, so Mikael's comments won't change that. And life's too short for me and Jamie to start suing people for libel... probably.
DeleteMaybe you could squeeze enough out of him to pay down the costs of FL8-12, but I doubt it.
DeleteI don't think the cover matches the first six books at all. And as to your statement about being an "internationally renowned artist"...well, all I can say is that the same George Lucas who gave us the original Star Wars also gave us episodes I, II and III.
DeleteAnd the same Ridley Scott who made The Duellists and Blade Runner also perpetrated Prometheus and BR 2049. Yes, fair enough. I don't think Kev is "old and cannae hack it anymore", though. He is busy and he earns more in a week than I do in a month, so we have to accept that he has limited time. He wasn't paid to do a wraparound triptych like the first six covers, and we didn't ask him for one because we couldn't have printed the book with fold-out covers anyway. As for the argument that we could have used cheaper artists -- no we couldn't, because the Kickstarter campaign was predicated on getting art from Kevin and Russ. If we'd switched after the campaign closed, that would have been fraudulent.
DeleteI think one point that's worth noting is that it really is a shame that you and Jamie didn't write this book yourselves. Would have loved to see more writing from the original authors. I know you guys are rusty, but if there's a good chance we'll get books 8-12, then it might be worthwhile to get back in the game.
DeleteBack in the summer of 2001 I wrote started writing a bit of Harry Potter fan fiction. It concerned the idea of Voldemort hiring a muggle assassin to kill Harry and his friends. Also involved was a UK spy agency. It could have Harry Potter meets James Bond but over all it was closer to Harry Potter meets Michael Caine's Harry Palmer. I wrote three chapters and a few tangential stories that got good reviews on
DeleteAnd then I pretty much lost interest and haven't looked back in the intervening 16 years. I doubt seriously you could pay me enough money to go back and finish that thing and I doubt you could pay Dave and Jaime enough to turn away from the stuff they care about to go back to something that mostly fell by the wayside two decades ago.
Honestly, even if we could pay them enough, I wouldn't want to. If you paid me enough to finish that Harry Potter thing, it wouldn't be a labor of love or interest. It'd be work for hire.
While Dave and Jaime are surely and justifiably proud of Fabled Lands (they named their company after it). That world isn't really a ruling passion for them. If it were, you'd see it. Next week's Christmas scenario would be set in Sokara or Golnir, not in Legend. But that's okay. I'm glad that we're getting Book 7. And that there's a really good chance we'll get Book 8. Beyond that, I'll just hope for the best.
You're dead right, John. For Jamie and me to go back to writing FL books now would be like asking Ridley Scott to do a sequel to Alien -- and we all know what happened there. Also, the series is better served by opening it up to other authors, who will bring fresh ideas and tropes to future books.
DeleteAfter all, Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson probably only wrote about 15% of the FF series, Joss Whedon personally wrote only a couple of Buffy scripts per season, and so on. The creative mark is still there running through those series even so.
Btw I really like the notion of Harry Potter meets Harry Palmer. It gives me an idea for the next summer special I'll run for my gaming group.
It wasn't exactly a direct meeting of Harry Potter and Harry Palmer, more a kind of theme. Bureaucratic infighting. One-upmanship. That kind of thing. As it turns out, the damned thing is still floating around on even after all this time. Here's the link if anyone cares:
DeleteI like it. And I agree strongly with your point about ordinary people being able to rise to unexpected heights. (That's one of the themes of my Mirabilis comic too.) I've always found the strange sort of pure-blood born-to-greatness idea in things like Harry Potter and Star Wars to be disturbingly fascistic.
DeleteI dimly recall another HP story I really liked but can't find. Basically Harry Potter is left with the Dursleys as an infant and is raised by them to be a cultist of Azathoth. So, he's actually far more evil and terrifying than Volemort could ever hope to be.
DeleteThat sounds a lot like Alan Moore's take on the character in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, too.
DeleteAlan Moore did a take on Harry Potter? Damn, I need to locate that sharpish.
DeleteDid you not rate BR2049 then, Dave? Prometheus and Alien Covenant were a little disappointing I would agree, especially the latter.
DeleteAfter Prometheus I didn't bother with Alien Covenant, Andy. As for BR2049 -- it added nothing, in my view. Where the first was a magnificent reworking of the themes of Frankenstein and the Epic of Gilgamesh, this one was basically Pinocchio reheated using the tedious Hollywood 3-act paradigm. And lord, was it long. I was nodding off by the time of the big fight. And how did he get his car back btw? And how did he know which car Deckard was in? And why weren't the Nexus-6s helping? And... nah.
DeleteFair enough. Not one I feel strongly enough about to put in a argument for the defence, albeit I enjoyed it. Nothing will every reach the collective nadir of Star Wars I, II and III at least! Your opinion on Mad Max Fury Road, purely out of interest? Have ordered Mr Vampire and A Chinese Ghost Story btw. The other one you mentioned was a bit pricey so will get that if the others are any good.
DeleteFury Road? Loved it. Proper Mad Max, and it takes a confident film maker to throw us right into the action and do the set-up, characterisation and storytelling alongside that. In a perfect world Max should have been older and grizzled -- and poor Tom Hardy seemed lost -- but there was so much other good stuff in the mix that I could live with that.
DeleteWhat was the other movie? A Touch of Zen?
Magic Cop at £35 (it had been a cheaper when I looked a month or so back). So you've just given me another one for my list!
DeleteI had a suspicion you wouldn't like BR2049 when I initially asked and by virtue of originality if nothing else, you would like Fury Road. I'm still not sure several years on whether I think Fury Road is genius or overrated. Initial viewing at cinema was the former. Subsequent few viewings have depended on how much wine I've had! Not helpful my DVD player (or TV) can't seem to handle the frame rate speed thing the Director did, so viewing is a bit "juddery". Do you rate it higher than Road Warrior though?!
I've just finished watching the Ninja Trilogy. By goodness they were awful. Absolutely love 'em! Only a ninja can stop a ninja, Dave! I do hope that doesn't transpire to be another one of my film misquotes.
I have to admit I've only seen Fury Road once, so maybe a second viewing might not hold up so well. And is there a black-&-white version or did I dream that?
DeleteI haven't seen Road Warrior in twenty years. I need to rectify that. But I did see it about four times in the first month of release, so I suspect it will always have pride of place. Just don't let's mention Beyond Thunderdome.
Would agree with all that. Not sure about a black & white version.
DeleteI won't even get us started on Alien vs Aliens!
Probably very wise :-)
DeleteDave can I just say demons are already quite in the Christmas spirit; ‘‘tis after all a Pagan- festival, the season for reading Lovecraft and ghost- stories and demons must like all those crackling fires and the colour red I suspect.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you're going to love the seasonal Legend scenario we've got coming up.
DeleteLook forward to it !
DeleteAs do I :)
ReplyDeleteIt's our own group's game from last Christmas, Gavin. We make sure to have at least one session a year in which we revisit our old Company of Bronze mercenary characters (who later became the Iron Men, mentioned from time to time in old posts) for a seasonal special. Last year's was by unanimous assent the best yet, so it should be quite a treat for all Legend fans.
DeleteAt the risk of further derailing your original post Dave, would you ever consider writing a new Infinite If / VR book? You'd obviously have a free rein of setting and story, plus the opportunity to stretch your writing muscles more than the FL style allows. Any interest in that?
ReplyDeleteThe question is partly inspired because I'm reading the series again now (as I do most years) and they're just fantastic. Well, 4 of the 6 anyway. :). Reading them always makes me feel inspired to write one myself, before I realise that I'd never be able to match the heights of yours. Is it sacrilege to prefer them to Blood Sword?
Heart of Ice is my personal favourite of my own gamebooks, Michael, and Down Among The Dead Men is a close runner-up -- so no argument from me on that score.
DeleteIn terms of prioritization for the next Fabled Lands book -- while I do very much enjoy having top tier artists on the books, I'd take perfectly good middle-tier artists in exchange for getting the book a year sooner any day of the week.
ReplyDeleteEither way, just happy to see the thing being successfully written!
Despite some of the comments made on Facebook, I don't think it would have made a lot of difference. Kevin delivered the final cover only a month or so after I'd done the interior layout. Although, that said, if Paul had been paid properly to write it -- and if Richard hadn't ended up having to run the Kickstarter and edit the book for nothing -- then possibly it could have been a little quicker.