Gamebook store

Wednesday 24 April 2024

You want fries with that?

In a very short time (I say that with fingers crossed) I'll be ready to put my Jewelspider RPG on DriveThruRPG. Urged by regular correspondent Stanley Barnes, and with the help of Simon Barns of Red Ruin Publishing, I thought I'd better learn the DriveThru ropes by uploading some books I did earlier.

So, if you're looking for digital gamebooks, you can now get the Critical IF series from DriveThruRPG:

As well as the grand finale of the Blood Sword series:

And a former Fighting Fantasy title that has been reworked as a standalone adventure in the Fabled Lands series:

And the first Fabled Lands book:

You get a watermarked PDF with all the sections hyperlinked and the original illustrations by Russ Nicholson and Leo Hartas. In the case of Once Upon a Time in Arabia that makes this quite a collector's item, incidentally, as the print version currently lacks Russ's pictures.


  1. Wanted to ask this before, is there a reason for Necklace of Skulls not being available on Amazon JP as a POD? All of your other books are, except that one...

    1. That's odd. Now that you've pointed it out, though, I'll fiddle with the settings and see if that fixes the issue.

    2. Thank you, it's working now. I usually add gamebooks to the cart when I need to hit X yen ammount to get the free shipping, so, this one will be one of my next purchases.

  2. Dear Mr Morris, it was only a pleasure to be of assistance.

  3. It is my birthday next month. So, I will be ordering these books at DriveThru. I cannot wait! By the way, Mr Morris, will the rest of the Blood Sword books follow suit? Thank you.

    1. I hope so, Stanley -- though as I said it may take me a while to put in all the hyperlinks!

  4. Seconding request for all the Blood Sword books to be available digitally. Thanks to my increasingly terrible eyes, I just can't deal with physical books anymore. Need something i can resize a little bigger.

    1. Oh yes, I know what that's like. (Now you're making me think I should have chosen a bigger point size for the PDF text.)

    2. For what's it worth, thirding the request for full digital Blood Sword release. I am playing with a group mostly online, and will definitely find great use of PDF editions to swiftly move back and forth.

    3. Yes. This is something people should do and often forget. PDF is not paper. So the number of page is not an issue. I intentionally use large fonts for articles I write, because enough people have complained.

  5. Great news! Will check these out and compare them with the ones I already have (all digital). Will Jewelspider be available in print as well?

    1. Most definitely. I'm currently planning a hardcover edition in full colour, and if there's a way for me to send Patreon backers a voucher to buy it at print cost I'll do that. If not (and currently I can't see a way to do that using Ingram Spark) then Patreon backers will at least get the PDF version free. And then I'll follow up later with a paperback edition -- probably also in colour to do full justice to Inigo's artwork.

    2. If Ingramspark is POD, you could alternatively use DTRPG's POD service. That has a full complement of options including standard and premium colour printing. Just be warned, if you make a change to a POD book with them, they make you go through the proof approval once again, and the book comes off sale while waiting for your approval.

    3. My concern would be the quality of the printing. Ingram are slower but very reliable. KDP use a lot more printers, with the result that if you live in London or New York you'll get a properly printed and bound book, but in more remote areas you might end up with a shoddy product. I'll have to look into how DTRPG fulfil their orders.

  6. Heart of Ice is one of the best if not the best choose your own adventure books a real classic! A must read for everyone here who has not read it yet!

    1. Thank you! And it's on DriveThru for less than a dollar.
